Monday, 11 October 2010

You've signed what off?!?!?

Thanks to two observant friends of mine, I found some inspiration for this entry. Marketing managers and creative agencies around the world have produced and signed off some phenomenal work of late. W&K Amsterdam produced the awe inspiring "Write The Future" for Nike ( And Anomaly worked with Diesel and inspired copywriters and marketing addicts from all quarters with their "Be Stupid" campaign (

Unfortunately there's a flipside. The following three examples all beg one question that continues to baffle, annoy, humour and worry those who, in some form or another, are involved in the Marketing arena. The question is...

"Who the hell signed it off?"

1. Kriss Akabusi. One shower. One egg. One P45.

The meeting in which the Marketing team announced that they'd signed former athlete and "World Wecord Bweaker" Kriss Akabusi, should have raised deafening and ear drum destroying alarm bells. But when they saw the finished product, what made them think for one moment "That's it. Perfect. Thanks Kriss. Awooga"?! (Thanks Malone for this little beauty).

2. Flea Market. It's just like a mini-mall! Great. 

The presenter. The suit. The tie. The sofas. The strapline. The dance. The rap. It's hard to find one possible excuse for this. The one thing they did achieve was finding somebody more irritating than Mr Go Compare. (Crosland...hats off to you for this one).

3. Sometime even the brightest get it so horribly wrong.

When designing a logo there are a few things you need to focus on. The font. The colour scheme. The visual impact. It's very easy to get bogged down with the nitty gritty. Unfortunately sometimes the blindingly obvious doesn't strike until it's all too late. If you're ever having a bad day, please pay a visit to CUMTS website where you can find out more about "CUMTS at Fresher's Week", how "throughout the year, CUMTS put on various productions" and how "Bar nights are the jewell in the CUMTS crown." Beautiful stuff.

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